Lead Management: Introduction to Lead Quality

Lead Quality is a feature within the Lead Management tool that helps you identify leads to prioritise.

Using information gathered from enquirers, as well as iProperty’s insights as a market leader, Lead Quality tags each lead that you receive so that you can tell which are from enquirers who are very actively looking for properties!

This lead is from an enquirer who is very active on iProperty.


This lead is from an enquirer who is quite active on iProperty.


This lead is from an enquirer who is new to iProperty and might not have available Lead Insights yet.


This lead is more than 60 days old.


Lead Quality is decided based on information gathered from the enquirer, as well as iProperty’s insights as a market leader.

Lead Quality aims to identify enquirers that are very actively searching for properties, and that activity level is based on criteria such as frequency of visits to iProperty, and number of enquiries made in the last 7 days.

Leads tagged as “OLD” will no longer have their Lead Insights updated once shared, while Lead Quality will no longer be updated after 60 days.

While these leads are received from very active enquirers on iProperty, enquirers are encouraged to but not guaranteed to respond.


Do contact all received leads. While these leads are received from less active enquirers on iProperty, they might still be serious enquirers.

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