There are 5 types of listing status for your use:

1. Draft

  • Listing not online yet.
  • NOT visible to visitors.


2. Online

  • Listing created and published online
  • Visible to visitors


3. Offline

  • You can change a listing from online to offline.
  • Once offline, it is NOT visible to visitors.
  • Change your listing to online again for visitors to see the listing.


4. Expired

  • When a listing has reached end of its life cycle.
  • NOT visible to visitors.
  • You can reactive listing with a new life cycle for visitors to see the listing again.


5. Deleted

  • NOT visible to visitors.
  • Listing will be removed from iProperty PRO.

A summary of what are visible to customers and what are not

Status Visible to Site Visitors Visible to Agent Customers Editable
Draft No Yes Yes
Online Yes Yes Yes
Offline No Yes Yes
Expired No Yes Yes
Deleted No Yes No

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